Termly Tuition Fees

From January 2024

Year Group Age Termly Fees
Reception 4-5 £2,563
Year 1 5-6 £2,684
Year 2 6-7 £2,863
Year 3 7-8 £3,036
Year 4 8-9 £3,036
Year 5 9-10 £3,289
Year 6 10-11 £3,289

We accept government “Early Education Funding” which applies until the term after the child’s 5th birthday. This is 15 hours free childcare per week for all children and 30 hours for those eligible.

We also accept Tax-Free Childcare and Childcare Vouchers.

There is a £70.00 charge per term for gymnastics classes held at Stokewood Road Leisure Centre. Charges for swimming, music, drama and ICT are included in the fees.


We are pleased to offer a 10% sibling discount for second child, and a 25% discount for a third child.

Please note this is subject to the child/ren not being in receipt of Early Years Funding.