
Miss-Jane-Shenton-540x545.jpg Mr-Tim-Shenton-540x545.jpg Mrs-Nicola-Tinacci-540x545.jpg

Mrs Jane Williams

Mr Tim Shenton

Mrs Nicola Tinacci

A word from the proprietors

Our family have had the privilege of owning St Martin’s School since 1976, when our father first bought the school. He worked in the school until his death in 2005. Jane, Nicky and Tim (pictured) have all worked in the school for over thirty years in various capacities from secretary to head teacher. Our own children all went to St Martin’s, which gave them a fantastic start to life and was very important as far as their futures were concerned. They all look back to their time at the school with very happy memories.

As the proprietors, we are still active in the school on a day to day basis and keep a close eye on all that goes on. We are passionate about three things: that the children you have entrusted to our care are happy. Happy children learn well, play well and take big strides in every area of school life. Secondly, that we give them the best possible all round education, which is of course what you rightly deserve as parents. Thirdly, that as a school we maintain that ‘family feel’, which gives children a sense of security and belonging.

It would be an honour to have the opportunity of investing our experience and expertise in your children at St Martin’s. Please do come and look round the school and meet our wonderful staff.

Proprietor Contact Number: 01202 258899
